Thursday, January 7, 2010

o.o form 6 or lower 6 form teacher get 3 of the senior to explain what the benefit of lower 6,upper 6 and STPM lol... well after hearing 3 of them saying the benefit of that, around half of the class thinking to change to lower 6 haha - -... Maybe the certificate of stpm attracting them? or another 1 year? Aw well for me i not changing lar aihs... Meet counselling before, they say those who pick lower 6 de, uec,stpm same sux result cause of need to handle 2 course lol... Those say lower 6 lesson can cover uec d... Especially that 3 lol... since u wan cover your uec course go for tuition better, you know i know who the teacher that can help on you SO FREAK MANY, getting stpm and uec course making u confuse more lah zz. Well for those really want to study in Local, no choice for you all lo... Aw well this my opinion lo... i really cant talk in class -.- Write it here just like tcy teach me lol. Those haven pick... think wisely... Once you pick wrong, your uec and stpm can fall to an end... Consider wisely =)

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