Friday, January 8, 2010

im total failure lol

haiz... really total failure...
This morning reached school around 7am...
for a normal people, I even asked my dad...
They also said that reach school around that time is the best time to
have a small talk with classmate...
Well I failed on that today lol... I sit there alone for half an hour
reading my biology -.-... Now I think back I am such an idiot z...
The chance to know everyone flow away like that haiz...
Total Failure today zzz....

Aw well, someone asked me a question yesterday night O.o

"You know that you are going to die after 2 minute,
what will you do in that 2 minute...
(You can do whatever you want...)

I asked some of my friend... they gave me the answer is about the
same... except myself -.- haih
- - i don't think someone will have an answer like me lol...

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