Sunday, January 17, 2010

-_- leg twistted

waliu... Today a... bad luck or what eh -.-... Thinking to go and play basketball, no need 15 min i twisted my leg wtf... now bengkak liao eh sians... Don't know when can recover -_-... Dai si, dai si, yuan wei who tell you dun warm up be4 go in 4v4 match -_-... Now Bengkak lol, soon patah d leh -_-... how i run on Thursday... twisted leg also suan le, come back le have dinner also telan bone wtf -_-... From my experience... if this kind of case started i will continue on with the bad luck leh how nia -_-... Maybe tomorrow i let teacher scold dao Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Blog ended!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha, u'll know what to do before playing basketball next time hor dude.x)
how're u know?
first time to ur blog also...
keep it up yeah=)
jia yun~